Sun Microsystems has entered into database market with $1.4 billion acquisition of MySQL. MySQL founder and CEO Marten Mickos is hopeful about the future progress of MySQL under the ownership of Sun.
MySQL has announced the availability of MySQL version 5.1 of its enterprise product. Version 5.1 of free enterprise database, which is being downloaded at a huge rate is now available under GNU (General Public License). Mickos said that MySQL 5.1 has upgraded its relability and ease of use over 2005's Version 5.0. He told that more than 13,00 bugs have been fixed in version 5.1 and according to the standard DBT2 benchmarks, the performance version 5.1 is 10 to 15 percent better than previous version of MySQL.
Mickos is hopeful about the new developments of MySQL because 100 experienced database engineers will be working on MySQL development.
The new version of MySQL is under development called SAAS (software as a service).